Probation, Regular – Probation oversight is provided to adjudicated delinquent youth under the Court’s jurisdiction. Delinquent youth placed on probation may be required to provide community service, participate in counseling, work to best ability in an educational program, comply with drug/alcohol screenings, comply with a curfew, and present essay(s) to the Court as part of the Disposition. Additionally, there are Court imposed probation oversight fees, state fines, and various other reimbursements that are billed to the juvenile and parents. Court appointed attorneys are available upon request and parents are billed for reimbursement. The recommended sanctions and probation requirements are unique to each juvenile case and consider services that are in the best interest of the minor including protection of the community. Case plans may be modified throughout the probation term if necessary.

Probation, Intensive – Intensive probation services are used when delinquent youth have not responded to regular probation and require more intensive supervision and services. Intensive probation is also used for repeat offenders or those likely to be removed from their home for long term residential treatment. Emphasis is on educational success and community treatment and additional referrals may be secured for mental health services, substance abuse counseling, parental support, or other specialized services. The Intensive Probation Officer works with the juvenile and parent(s) to develop goals for rehabilitation. There are frequent contacts in the parental home and at school.
For all probation cases, regular and intensive, if any terms of probation are violated, the juvenile may return to Court for further sanctions.

After Hours Surveillance – All delinquent youth under the Court’s jurisdiction are subject to after hours surveillance to ensure curfew compliance and whereabouts of the juvenile. Routine, random checks are conducted weekly for all juveniles, as well as random drug/alcohol screenings to ensure compliance with court orders.

Delinquency Prevention – Referrals can be made by parents or professionals for at-risk youth who may benefit from intervention services provided by the juvenile court staff. At-risk youth are considered those who are chronically truant from home or school, incorrigible, and/or engaging in substance abuse or other illegal activities. This program is available to Alcona County youth between the ages of 8 and 16. It is voluntary and there is no fee to participate. Juvenile court staff will work individually with the youth and parent(s), defining goals and objectives focusing on specific areas of concern.

Mentoring – Referrals for youth mentoring can be made through the juvenile court office when there is an absent parent or when the child could benefit from a positive adult role model. Adult mentors must pass background checks and be willing to volunteer and be a positive influence on the mentee with an emphasis on educational support. There is no cost to the juvenile or parents and participation is voluntary.

Adoption Home Study – In adoption proceedings when the adopting parent is a relative, the County Juvenile Officer conducts a home study and prepares a report for the Court with recommendations.



www.namimi.org (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Michigan)
www.psychologytoday.com/experts/izzy-kalman (bullying information)


Northeast Michigan Community Mental Health; 989-356-2161or 800-834- 3393 (toll free)
Department of Human Services; 989-362-0300
Child/Adult Abuse Reporting; 855-444-3911; www.michigan.gov/documents/dhs/DHS-3200_224934_7.pdf (DHS Referral Form; 3200)
Catholic Human Services; Substance Abuse Counseling; 989-356-6385