FAQ about when to call for an inspection
Grounding (Electrical)
When ½” or larger reinforcing bars in footings are in place and have been tied together, prior to pouring concrete. All rebar placed in the footing, whether required for structural purposes by the MRC 2015 or not, must be secured in the proper location by means of wire ties or other support system (R403.l.3.5.3). All rebar placed in the footing must be bonded together to form the grounding electrode system and properly inspected and approved prior to the pouring of concrete. (E3608.1) In order for approval of re bar as a grounding electrode, rods must be a minimum of½” in diameter, installed in one continuous 20-foot length, or if in multiple pieces, connected together by the usual steel tie wires or other effective means to create a 20-foot or greater length. (E3608.1.2)
Building Footing Inspection
Call (24) hours before concrete is planned to be poured. In the Inspector will check for the following items: form boards in place, Depth, Flat Bottom & Code Minimums.
Service (Electrical)
**Can be combined with Rough Electrical Inspection**
When meter base and panel is set and service is grounded.
Underground (Plumbing)
After all trenches or ditches are excavated and piping installed and prior to any backfill.
Underground (Mechanical)
When underground duct work, radiant tubing, or process piping is installed prior to pouring concrete.
Poured Wall and ICF Reinforcing (Building)
Inspections need to be when all rebar is in place and prior to pouring concrete.
Flood Plain Construction (Building-applicable)
As-built documentation of the constructed first floor elevation prepared and sealed by a registered design professional is required. This documentation is required upon the placement of the lowest floor, including basements and prior to any further vertical construction.
Foundation Inspection/Backfill (Building)
** Required for Crawlspace and Basement Foundations**
Inspection needs to be completed when foundation walls are complete, reinforcing and anchors are installed, damp proofing or waterproofing and drainage system installed and prior to backfill.
Rough-In/Framing (Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical)
When all sub-trades have been rough-in and prior to the installation of insulation and interior finish materials. Mechanical: Duct tightness leak test required on the rough-in or post construction when the ducts and air handlers are located outside the building thermal envelope.
Rough-In/Framing (Building):
** Need Truss Specs (if applicable)**
After the Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing is installed and inspected. Structural members need to be seen and checked for any cutting or notching.
Rough-In/Framing Garage (Building):
** Need Truss Specs (if applicable)**
Inspection needed only if garage is going to be finished and after any sub-trades are installed and inspected.
Insulation Inspection (Building)
Inspection needs to be completed when all sub-trades (electrical, plumbing and mechanical) have been inspected and insulation installed. Prior to the installation of the interior finish materials.
Final – Occupancy Inspection
A Final Inspection can be conducted when the construction project is 100% completed:
- Blower Door Test Results
- All construction is finished
- All electrical is installed and approved
- All plumbing is installed and approved
- All mechanical (heating/cooling) is installed and approved. Whole-house mechanical ventilation required.